Rank Hijack Swipe Emails http://rankhijack.com/jv Note: the first 5 swipes are designed as a 5 day email campaign, #6 & #7 target different angles: Traffic From Other Site’s Authority & Zero Guess SEO And Ranking Note #2: I've added two new swipe emails at the bottom, one included a couple of great testimonials and the other giving a bit of education about Parasite SEO. .. Swipe #1: Day 1 Subjects: Hack Your Way To Google Traffic You’ve NEVER Seen Traffic Like This Body: Hi, The easiest way to convert traffic into sales - in ANY market - is to put your offers in front of people looking for a specific solution. NOT with paid ads that try to convince people why they need something... But simply by presenting solutions to people that are looking for them. Thanks to the power of online search engines, it’s now easier than ever to find people that want to buy what you’re selling. But how do you get that free traffic, when the engines are dominated by authority websites with massive credibility? >> By Doing This! This little-known secret is a way to hack traffic from top authority sites and siphon those visitors straight to your offers. You can get results in a couple of days, targeted visitors that have wallets out, ready to buy what you’re offering. 100% legal and ethical - it’s just a method that most marketers have given up on, because they thought it was impossible. Not anymore. When your offers hit the top of the search engine charts, you get all the free traffic you can handle … And it doesn’t cost a dime. Buyers on tap WITHOUT paying for ads? You’ve got to check this out. Sign Off P.S. this breakthrough software and traffic solution is increasing in price every single day … get your license NOW for the lowest possible price .. Swipe #2: Day 2 Subjects: [Video] How FB Can Pay You Stealing Traffic For 100% Profit Body: Every marketer wants more traffic, and the question is simple - do I pay, or do I “settle” for no-cost options? How about neither? Don’t pay, and don’t settle. Take a look online, and you’ll see the search engines are dominated by authority websites. For practically any keyword or term, sites like FB, Instagram, Tumblr and more are riding the top spots. Most marketers DON’T have the authority of these sites. Competing for their traffic? Impossible … or is it? >> Click Here To Steal Traffic From TOP Authority Websites! This sneaky tactic is 100% legal and completely untapped. And this revolutionary software makes it brain-dead easy to get active buyers in front of your offers, fast. Without paying for ads, and without waiting. Just targeted visitors, straight to your offers, courtesy of some of the biggest sites online. This brand-new software puts you in control, and lets you create custom campaigns that you’ll know IN ADVANCE will drive traffic. No guessing, no struggling, no paying. >> Watch This Demo To See It In Action! Sign Off PS. get in now for a low one-time fee - the price is jumping everyday, >> so act fast to get your lifetime license to no-cost traffic .. Swipe #3: Day 3 Subjects: [No Cost T.raffic] The ABCs Of SEO Hidden Secrets To 100% Profits Body: For any business owner, the dream client is someone who walks in off the street, buys a product, and leaves happy. We don’t see that happen much online. Sadly, these “dream clients” are sucked up by brand name websites, and we’re stuck paying for ads just HOPING to attract buyers. Dream clients know what they want, run a quick search, and pay their money to the people behind the websites on top of the search engines. How would YOU like to be their 1st choice? No more “selling”, because these dream clients are ready to spend. This “secret” SEO strategy drives zero-cost, converting traffic STRAIGHT to your pages and offers. >> Get Your Dream Clients Here! Your offers, top-of-the-list, for people searching for what you have to sell. No ad costs, no begging in online forums, no HOURS developing social media pages that get views but zero sales. Just buyers, straight to your offers. When traffic doesn’t cost you a dime, your profit margin becomes 100%. Don’t believe me? I don’t blame you: >> Watch This Video To See Free Traffic In Action Sign Off .. Swipe #4: Day 4 Subjects: Your Profit Shortcut The T.raffic Piggyback Method [Video] Body: Why do over 95% of online marketers fail? They don’t understand traffic. Complete beginners can jump online and promote thousands of products from dozens of networks, but without traffic, they WILL fail. The good news is you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to profit online. All you have to do is COPY what successful websites are ALREADY doing to drive traffic. >> Here’s how This works for any offer in any niche. By just piggy-backing YOUR offers on top of sites that are already getting the traffic. Talk about a shortcut. Fast, easy … and no need to pay for ads. >> You’ve Got To See This To Believe It! Sign Off P.S. lifetime access to this game changing software is yours for a very low fee, when you act now. Don’t delay, because the price is jumping BIG TIME after launch. .. Swipe #5: Day 5 Subjects: [Closing] Buyers That Find You? Last Call For Free Traffic! Body: You gotta hand it to Google. It’s completely changed the way people find stuff online. For marketers that know how to play the “Google game”, profits are now easier than ever. Because when you play Google’s game the right way, the buyers find you. >> Click Here For Unlimited Google Buyer Traffic! No wasting time with painful research or outdated search strategies. This one-of-a-kind software puts your offers directly in front of the people that need them most. Translation? Never pay for an ad again, and let Google and top websites send buyers straight to your offers. Stacks of proof all over the page. This is traffic re-imagined, and when you play it right, the profits find you. Sign Off P.S. This breakthru software is currently available at its lowest price - but the cost increases significantly after launch, so take action now! .. Swipe #6: Traffic From Other Site’s Authority Subjects: Paid Traffic Sucks - Use This Instead All The Free Search Traffic You Can Handle Body: Hi, No matter how great the offer, service or product you’re promoting, you won’t make a dime until people see it. You COULD spend money on ads... Waste HOURS trying to exploit forums and blogs for free traffic … Or, just tap into the millions of users ALREADY online that are searching for what you’re selling. But here’s the problem. The search engines are controlled by top brands and authority websites. They get ALL the targeted traffic, and no matter how great your offer, it’ll get buried in the dust. >> Click Here For A Brand NEW Solution Forget fighting with the big brands for traffic. Instead, use THEIR traffic for personal profit. This innovative SEO strategy puts your offers in front of the buying traffic that’s already coming to premium websites … And you don’t have to pay a penny for it. In fact, many authority sites actually WANT you to post your content on their domains. Now you can leverage traffic from FB, Intstagram, Scribd, Tumblr and MANY more premium sites for personal profit. Result? Targeted buyers, zero ad costs, 100% profit margins. >> What Are You Waiting For? Cutting edge software that puts YOUR products first in the search engines. No more guessing, no more expensive ads. Just buyers to your offers, 24/7 and at no cost to you. This is THE most powerful traffic resource I’ve ever seen. Sign Off .. Swipe #7: Zero Guess SEO And Ranking Subjects: [Video] Is Free Search Traffic Even Possible? Skyrocket YOUR Offers To Page 1 Body: Hi, Search engine optimization or SEO is complicated business. Google and other engines constantly change the rules of the game. Meaning? Free search traffic isn’t as easy as it used to be. But, there are companies that stay on top of the trends. Sites like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and more are ALWAYS up to date... So when they post, Google listens. And rewards their posts with premium ranking. Now imagine if INSTEAD of competing with these sites, you could legally STEAL their traffic - and point it directly to your own offers? You’d have a blueprint for profits by re-directing engaged users to your own pages and sites. and the best part? These authority sites ENCOURAGE you to do it! >> Watch This Video Now! And see how easy it is to piggy-back onto the very best search engine traffic to get buyers to your offers. No paying for ads, no mind-numbing SEO research - just fast and easy results. By simply positioning YOUR products and offers in front of people that are actively searching for them. Yes, premium search traffic IS possible. And by using this breakthrough software, it’s all yours. Sign Off .. New Swipes added Swipe #8: Parasite SEO SEO boiled down to 4 steps... New software for easy ranking in google... Why Parasites are good for your traffic! Hi, SEO isn't what it used to be, Google now favours the big sites with "Rank Authority", but you can use this to your benefit... It's all about making SEO simple again, boiling it down to a few simple steps: 1. use this new App to find an opportunity in your niche 2. Download the content & Re-write it better than before 3. Upload the new content to the same authority site as the original 4. Point some backlinks at it [there's tutorials on how to do this included] The result: a perfect 10 for traffic -> Outrank the original and grab all that free traffic for yourself! it's called 'Parsite SEO' and it levels the playing field for us... put simply this is when you setup a page on one of these high authority sites with your own content to rank and grab the traffic for yourself. These kind of sites want and need your content, so it's perfectly legitimate and you're not going to get slapped by google for doing this. the obvious example of this in action is youtube... it consists entirely of content added by users, so if you are a video marketer using youtube to rank your videos, then you are already using parasite SEO the important point here is that youtube isn't the only one... In fact there are LOTS of other high authority sites that you can use to rank your content in the same way, taking advantage of their domain authority to generate traffic for your benefit, you just need a way of finding them, which is exactly what this new SaaS does for you. Hit the button below to check it out, there's a walk through demo video that's about half way down the page. While the launch is on you cn grab a lifetime license, but only for the next few days, then the price goes up and the lifetime license option get's pulled: <<>>> '' Swipe #9: Testimonials Subjects: What the experts think... [4 step SEO] Simple 4 Step SEO that's getting rave reviews... Body: Hi, Quick 'Heads Up': This is the last chance to grab the Lifetime License to the new Rank Hijack SEO App, the launch offer closes shortly and the pricing goes up and the lifetime license get's pulled! And here's what a couple of SEO experts are saying about it: "In 2017 ranking your OWN websites can be like swimming upstream. Savvy SEO's and those in the know understand the power behind BIG 'authority websites' and WHY they are so effective at hitting the first page of Google, for almost any keyword. Rank Hijack CLEVERLY digs through these favored sites and Google and REVEALS a bottomless pit of keywords that you can rank for with relatively little effort. This tool is genius and one that can actually help you rank for 'real' competitive keywords and niches in 2017. A very useful tool for those serious about crushing it in Google." - Andy Black "I personally think this is a brilliant system. Lets face it, ranking on Google isn’t easy and it keeps changing all the time. But what RankHijack does is something absolutely new and genius. From finding the right kind of keywords that are easy to dominate, to taking over those parasite pages to generate traffic, it’s brilliant. I highly recommend Rank Hijack." - Abhi Dwivedi It's all about making SEO simple again, boiling it down to a few simple steps: 1. use this new App to find an opportunity in your niche 2. Download the content & Re-write it better than before 3. Upload the new content to the same authority site as the original 4. Point some backlinks at it [there's tutorials on how to do this included] The result: a perfect 10 for traffic -> Outrank the original and grab all that free traffic for yourself! Hit the button below to check it out, there's a walk through demo video that's about half way down the page: <<>>>